Residential Programs
Connections365 operates two residential programs on our south Salem campus. Young men are referred to these programs through Oregon’s juvenile justice system and are provided with all basic living needs, as well as individualized services to address personal areas of growth.
These programs provide at-risk youth with the stability they need to return to a residential or community placement rather than being committed to a correctional facility. While housed at one of Connections365’s residential programs, youth receive care and direction from the program’s round-the-clock staff. Educational services are provided through online schooling, and case management and counseling are provided by Connections365.
Placements in Project 180 vary from seven to 90 days, depending on the youth’s ongoing needs. This program provides a staffed, secure, and structured living environment for youth in crisis. Program hallmarks are immediate response to referrals, quick placement, and thorough evaluation of the youth offender in preparation for his next placement. Services include individual, family, and group counseling, educational and vocational support, and evidence-based skill building curriculum. Services for medication management and drug and alcohol treatment are accessed through community providers.
The Continuum provides provide a 24/7 secure structured living environment with an intensive transition processes both into the program and from the program. Services provided to all youth include: case management, individual, family and group counseling, educational and vocational support. Evidence based curriculum will be utilized. Services for medical/dental/vision, medication management, and alcohol and drug treatment are accessed through community providers.