The health and safety of our clients and employees is a top priority at Connections365. The situation is rapidly changing and we will be posting updates in regards to our operations both on our website and Facebook page.
As you are aware, the school districts across the state have been closed until at least April 1. Many other organizations are reducing or closing operations to mirror the school district as the state attempts to contain the spread of the coronavirus, COVID-19. We want to assure you that our program remains committed to serving the needs of you and your family while also limiting the possibility of contagion. We are currently taking the following measures in response to recommendations from local health authorities:
???? Increased regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces in our offices and programs such as light switches and counter tops.
???? Offices have been evaluated to ensure the recommended social distancing of three feet can be maintained.
???? We request all employees, proctor parents, visitors and clients practice proper hygiene. This includes:
- Frequent hand washing with soap and water for 20 seconds. Hands should be cleaned prior to eating, after returning from a public situation such as a park or school, after sneezing or coughing, or any time there is a risk of contamination.
- When soap and water are not available, the CDC recommends using a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
???? For the time being, our counseling services will look different and may change somewhat, including the following:
- At each appointment, you will be asked if you or someone in close contact with you has a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, and/or traveled outside of the state. If yes to illness symptoms, we will ask you to seek attention from your primary care provider and will not be able to serve you in the office until you have returned to full health.
- If you are under quarantine for possible or confirmed COVID-19, or are concerned about potential exposure, please call and speak with the receptionist about the possibility of phone sessions.
- In our effort to maintain the health and safety of our staff and guests, if a staff member shows symptoms of fever, cough or difficulty breathing, we will be asking them to remain home and speak with their primary care provider for direction prior to returning to work.
- If your therapist or case manager is quarantined but still well enough to offer phone sessions, you may expect them to reach out to you. If your provider is not well enough, a staff member will be in touch with you about options while awaiting your provider’s return. This may include temporarily receiving services from another therapist.
???? Avoid contact with others who have symptoms. Please do not come to Connections365 if you currently have or have had any of the following symptoms in the last 24 hours:
- Fever over 100.4 without the use of fever-reducing medicine
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
Thank you for working with us to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community. It is our hope that these precautions will help maintain the health and safety or our guests and staff. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with your therapist. For after hours assistance please contact our 24/7 On-Call.